Sugar Skull Rum:
Art Direction, Production, Casting, Project Management (At StrongMind)
Sugar Skull Rum came to StrongMind for a video that would attract distributors and encourage them to sell their new product. We decided that what they needed was a video that invoked brand qualities and visuals that inspired interpretation from the varied target audiences.

We wanted the product to be a mystery at the beginning and revealed at the end of the video. We used a high-gloss surface with a subtle light behind the product to create the mystery.

One of the target audiences for Sugar Skull Rum was women who socialize in their 30s and 40s. This shot gave a nod to the cosmo-ladies. What we were trying to say was "It tastes expensive."

One of the themes of this video was to "break down what is safe". Which is why we used imagery of traditionally 'orderly' pieces that broke, made a mess, or deconstructed as time went by.

A large part of the message in this video was to embrace what you once thought was dangerous. It's an invitation to try something that makes you realize you're alive. Meet Gerald, our little emperor scorpion that was not harmed during the shooting if this film.

The burning of the King of Hearts was a symbol representing the fall of old traditions as well as a rise of the 'queen', aka the model in our video.

The burning rose was also a symbol for enticing the "other side". The spontaneous combustion represented the spontaneous rebellion we are all entitled to every now and again.

Check out some behind-the-scenes photos here: